We make your Special Events Memorable
When planing your next event or party keep Canaan Ranch in mind. Just imaging a beautiful bride with the perennial gardens as a backdrop, or the green lawn as a setting for that special anniversary dinner or family reunion. |
Are you in charge of planning the next business retreat? Take everyone where they can UN-plug and get in-tune with their surroundings (the only problem is no one will want to go back to work). |
We can cater your party. Be it a cozy dinner for 2, or a larger group. Please make your reservations for special events in advance. |
Contact us: canranch@bossig.com
Phone: 509 486-1191
474 Cape LaBelle Road, Tonasket, Washington 98855
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Canaan Ranch Arabians | Polish Arabian Stallions | Polish Arabian Mares | Polish Arabian Horses for Sale
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