Tour our Ranch
Pat and Chris Mclaughlin moved from Seattle to the Okanogan Valley in 1972. bringing with them their children and dreams. They named their new home Canaan Ranch which in the bible means promised land. The old home stead house looked pretty dismal at first, actually cows were taking shelter in it. The cows were kicked out and we went to work getting it closed in for winter. |
 Aerial view of Canaan Ranch Click on the picture for photos of the ranch |
 Our Home and Gardens Click on the picture to visit our gardens |
Over the years the ranch took shape, the house grew bigger along with the children. The kids graduated and went along with their lives, married and gave us grand children. Some live nearby some moved away. Chris's gardens are a work of love and art. |
The Mclaughlin's still felt a need so for the past 15 years we've done therapeutic foster care. Sharing our home with 94 teen-age boys. The boys arrived usually around 12 and stayed past 18 or until they graduated from high school. They were able to work on the ranch and have a family life. We have now retired from doing foster care. |
 The Original Homestead before we moved in |
We have now combined our ranch and family life with a guest ranch so that we can share our wonderful place with others.
 Our ranch is a working ranch. We raise, train and sell Polish Arabians, beautiful mountain endurance horses. Along with Long Horn Cattle, and Border Collies to help with the roundup. |
Contact us: canranch@bossig.com
Phone: 509 486-1191
474 Cape LaBelle Road, Tonasket, Washington 98855
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Canaan Ranch Arabians | Polish Arabian Stallions | Polish Arabian Mares | Polish Arabian Horses for Sale
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